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Quadriplegic CP

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Quadriplegic CP is a subcategory of cerebral palsy (CP) that pertains to those who show a functional deficit (paresis) in the trunk, neck, and all 4 (quad) extremities. Quadriplegia occurs in approximately 6% of the population of children with CP.[1]   Many of this group of children are severely involved.

How TheraTogs Can Help

TheraTogs undergarments were designed to enhance somatosensory input and to deliver the gentle mechanical stability of a customized body hug. Strapping is available to improve resting and functioning alignment of the torso and limbs. TheraTogs can sustain into daily life the unforced postural corrections that a therapist achieves during a treatment session.

Which TheraTogs Systems to Use

These TheraTogs Systems can support therapy goals for children with quadriplegic CP:

Applicable Science, and Therapy Approaches

Sciences that apply to the management of quadriplegic CP:

Therapy approaches that can be used to address quadriplegic CP:

Click on this link to learn how add to TheraTogs effectiveness for children with quadriplegic CP. Adrian

More About Quadriplegic CP

The neurologic classification system describes 3 categories of CP:

Spastic (pyramidal) CP

Pyramidal tract lesions – though unchanging – are associated with reduced selective motor control. Yet muscle stiffness and joint deformities usually worsen over time. The muscle stiffness is commonly referred to as “spastic” – suggesting that stretch reflex hyperactivity is the cause – despite the well-documented progression of use-related stiffening that occurs in the muscles and neighboring  connective tissues. While using muscles excessively in shortened state – as occurs in dystonia – can cause contractures, spasticity (hyperreflexia) cannot. If spasticity is present, its influence on purposeful movement skill is minimal. Deficits in trunk and neck control and in selective motor control are more relevant than spasticity.[2],[3],[4]  Somatosensory  – touch and position sense – processing deficits accompany this altered movement history. Muscle weakness is inevitable after a history of using compensatory strategies.[5]

Dyskinetic (extrapyramidal) CP – dystonia and athetosis

Dyskinesia is characterized by the presence of involuntary movements or posturing. (See also Athetoid/Dyskinetic CP and Dystonic CP.)

Mixed types

When two or more categories of involvement occur in the same person, the term “mixed” is commonly used.


  1. Himmelmann K1, Hagberg G, Beckung E, Hagberg B, Uvebrant P. 2005. The changing panorama of cerebral palsy in Sweden. IX. Prevalence and origin in the birth-year period 1995-1998. Acta Paediatr. 94(3): 287-294.

  2. Pandyan AD, Gregoric M, et al. 2005. Spasticity: clinical perceptions, neurological realities and meaningful measurement. Disabil Rehabil. 27(1-2):2-6.

  3. Nardone A, Galante M, Lucas B, Schieppati M. 2001. Stance control is not affected by paresis and reflex hyperexcitability: the case of spastic patients.  J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry.70(5): 635-643.

  4. Dietz V, Sinkjaer T. 2012. Spasticity. Handb Clin Neurol. 2012;109:197-211. Review.

  5. Damiano DL, Quinlivan J, Owen BF, Shaffrey M, Abel MF. 2001. Spasticity versus strength in cerebral palsy: relationships among involuntary resistance, voluntary torque, and motor function. Eur J Neurol. Nov;8 Suppl 5:40-9.

The typical TheraTogs client receives up to 10 hours of wearable therapy every day!