AOPA National Assembly: How Muscle Tone Develops Typically and in Kids with Equinus Deformity
AOPA National Assembly: How Muscle Tone Develops Typically and in Kids with Equinus Deformity
TheraTogs inventor and co-founder Beverly (Billi) Cusick, PT MS NDT COF/BOC has been invited once again by the American Orthotics and Prosthetics Association (AOPA) to teach a full-day pre-conference course for it’s annual National Assembly. on September 11.
Using lecture, videos, and demonstration, Ms. Cusick presents a range of topics including postural control acquisition and influence on muscle tone development; gait development and pathology related to whole body center of gravity acceleration; physiologic adaptation of lower limb muscles to routine use – both ideal & pathologic; and contributions of postural control deficits to equinus deformity development.
8:00 – 5:00 | Room Location: E212