Athetoid/Dyskinetic CP
Management Contributions via TheraTogs
The presence of continuous, uncontrolled movements interferes with the acquisition and maintenance of postural control and with effective limb use. Because postural control – the ability to sustain a posture while attending to and engaged in a purposeful activity – is the foundation of movement acquisition, we recommend beginning to use TheraTogs garments to support the acquisition of the fundamental, core components of trunk and pelvic alignment and control in all positions while enhancing body awareness and somatosensory input.
Applicable TheraTogs Systems
These TheraTogs products support therapy goals for children with athetoid dyskinetic cerebral palsy:
- Posture and Torso Alignment (PTA) System
- Full Body System (FBS) – comes with limb strapping components.
- Wunzi System – for infants and young preschoolers
Applicable Science, and Therapy Approaches
Sciences applicable to ADCP:
- Kinesiology
- Postural control
- Somatosensory (information processing and modulation)
- Neural plasticity (cortical mapping and massed practice)
Therapy Approaches applicable to ADCP:
- Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT)
- Perception-Action Approach (P-A) (formerly TAMO – Tscharnuter Akademie for Motor Organization)
- Sensory Integration (SI) Approach
More About Athetoid Dyskinetic CP
Dyskinetic cerebral palsy, an extrapyramidal subtype that features involuntary movements and fluctuations in muscle tone, includes two subgroups: athetosis and dystonia.[1] Athetoid dyskinetic cerebral palsy (ADCP) occurs in approximately 15% of the CP population.[2]
Affected individuals show difficulty in maintaining postures and balance when sitting, standing, and walking. Undesired movements interfere with purposeful, selective muscle use, worsen with stress or excitement, and cease during sleep.
ADCP is primarily associated with damage to the basal ganglia occurring during brain development.
- Rosenbaum P, Paneth N, Leviton A. 2007. A report: the definition and classification of cerebral palsy April 2006. Devel Med Child Neurol. 49(Supp s109): 8.
- Himmelmann K1, Hagberg G, Beckung E, Hagberg B, Uvebrant P. 2005. The changing panorama of cerebral palsy in Sweden. IX. Prevalence and origin in the birth-year period 1995-1998. Acta Paediatr. 94(3): 287.